February 2

Whatever is not of faith is sin.
Romans 14:23

Do you need God to show you what to do about a big decision today?

People ask why God does not show them the way. It is because they really want their own way. God does not push His way on us. He waits for us to be done with our own way.

Then you will call and I will answer.
Isa. 58:9

He will guide the humble.
Psalm 25:9

Father, I do not know what to do. I am going to stop myself from making a decision until You show me very clearly what to do. I do not want to give a place for the devil to bring something into this decision.
Please give me some witnesses to guide me in the Bible and some strong Christians to pray with me about this.

I am going to wait for Your answer and just walk close to You. I trust You for the things I do not know about by staying close to things you have already showed to me in your Word.