December 1

We are healed by His wounds.
Isa. 53:5

Jesus came to heal EVERY sickness. This would also mean our spiritual blindness and deafness and things that
are crooked in us.

Is your spirit blind or deaf?

Do you decide what you think by what you see with your eyes or what you
see in His Word?

God anointed Me to bring the Gospel to the poor. God sent Me to tell the prisoners of sin that they are free, and to tell the blind that they can see again.
Luke 4:18

We need to be careful. Do not say that you can see when you are blind. The Pharisees said this because of pride.

The world has cut us in many ways that we do not even understand.

Reach out to Him as the woman
who touched his robe.

He will stop and ask you,
“What do you want Me to do for you?”

Tell Him that you want to be healed in your spirit of any sickness that is there.

Say, “I want to see and hear again!”